Message from CEO
Aiming for the best soil in the world.
Techno Revolutions LLC
CEO Yoshiaki Kato
Hello everyone. I am Kato, the president of Techno Revolutions LLC (TechRev). I have long been involved in technology development in the world of mobility. Some may wonder why someone like that ended up working in the field of microbial technology. But I consider it my mission to discover, develop, and deliver new technologies to the world despite my field of expertise.
Techno Revolution’s CrobeCore™ is a fermentation and decomposition technology that uses the interaction of 20 useful microorganisms selected from an astronomical number of existing microorganisms to achieve an extremely high level of fermentation and decomposition. When applied to the soil, it quickly produces humus and various active ingredients that contribute to plant growth, and can quickly create a soil environment that is unaffected by harsh environmental factors. It can be used not only in agriculture, but also in desert greening, purification of polluted soil, and restoration of the earth’s rich ecosystem. They can also be applied to the development of biomaterials and renewable energy.
You could argue that everything on earth originated from the soil. So it isn’t an overstatement to say that we have the ability to change the world with our soil. And our biggest goal is to create the best soil in the world in hopes that one day, children all over the world can envision an exciting future through our microbial technology.Just as we were excited by the rapidly developing world of manufacturing when we were children.
CEO Profile
Yoshiaki Kato has been a part-time lecturer at Nagoya University, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Aichi Prefectural University, and Iwate University, and a member of the expert committee of Iwate Prefectural University. He is currently an expert researcher at the Science and Technology Forecasting Center, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, MEXT, a fellow of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, a senior steering committee member of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, and an advisor to Dongles, Ltd. Campus, Ibigawa Town, Kariya City, Toyama City, etc. He is also engaged in entrepreneurship education. He has many contacts in various fields in industry, government, and academia.
Jan. 1995 General Manager of TOYOTA TECHNICAL CENTER USA
Jan. 2001 General Manager of Electronics Engineering Division 1
Jun. 2003 Executivev Chief Engineer of Product Planning Division 2
Jun. 2006 Managing Officer of AISIN SEIKI Co., Ltd
Apr. 2012 Senior Managing Officer of AISIN SEIKI Co., Ltd
Apr. 2014 President of AISIN TECHNICAL CENTER OF AMERICA,INC., President of FT Techno of America
May. 2016 President of AISIN COMCRUISE Co., Ltd
Jun. 2020 Representative of K’s Tech Lab
Aug. 2022 Established Techno Revolutions LLC