Corporate Profile

About Us

Techno Revolutions LLC (TechRev) is a company established by a group of technology and management experts to build a sustainable, recycling-oriented society.


Technology for the Future Society


To contribute to the realization of a sustainable, recycling society through the application, development, and implementation of technologies that are beneficial to society.

Logo Mark

Meaning of the symbol
Central sphere made of ribbon

The earth and the cycle of life within it, the spiral of evolution. 

The Arc On the Left

Technology and its development that is close to the earth

Upper circle

 Life and fruitfulness that continue to be born.

 Image symbolized by the colors 

 Plants and crops


 Wisdom and invention of mankind 

Deep blue

 Sea, eternal mystery, awe of nature

Company Profile

Company name          

Techno Revolutions LLC


Yoshiaki Kato

Date of Establishment      

August 2, 2022

Main Office               

40-23, Arimatsu-ura, Narumi-cho, Midori-ku, Nagoya, Japan 458-0824

Development Laboratory 

42-405 Shimizugaoka, Yatomi-machi, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya, Japan 467-0038

Our Business               

Microbiology business  (resource development business, environmental conservation business), 

Consulting business   (technology development consulting, business development consulting, financial consulting), 

Education business

History and Achievements


Recognized as an agriculture-industry collaboration project

Succeeded in processing all of Sanwa's Cochin, Japanese bland chicken, manure using an environmentally friendly processing method


Recognized as an agriculture-industry collaboration project

Succeeded in processing all of Sanwa's young (Mizunami) coochin chicken manure using an environmentally friendly processing method

2009 - 2010

Approved as a project to support advanced manufacturing

Certified as a project to support advanced manufacturing


Obtained permission for public dissemination of agricultural materials in Nagano Prefecture


Leads to settlement of a lawsuit between a pig farm and residents of Hakuba Village, Nagano Prefecture, with its livestock deodorant countermeasure technology


Certified as JAS organic compliant material Developed microbial material for roses with rose residue from three major rose gardens in Japan


Successful recycling treatment of seaweed residue from the Ariake Sea


Patent application filed for new technology related to microbial fixation method
